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如果不治疗, people with narcolepsy can fall asleep at any time, such as when at work, while driving and while engaged in a conversation. 嗜睡症与大脑中一种叫做下丘脑分泌素的化学物质有关, which normally stimulates arousal and helps regulate sleep. 大多数患有嗜睡症的人在大脑深处被称为下丘脑的部位不会产生下丘脑分泌素. 结果是, 身体关于什么时候睡觉,什么时候保持清醒的信息有时会在错误的时间和地点出现.

嗜睡症是一种终生疾病,估计每1000到1500人中就有1人受其影响. 虽然男性和女性都有,但在男性中更常见. The condition can begin at any age, 虽然它的症状通常出现在10到20岁之间. 猝睡症 has been found to be hereditary in some cases.

Our approach to narcolepsy

加州大学旧金山分校, 我们的睡眠医学专家提供全面的服务和治疗十大赌博靠谱网络平台,如嗜睡症, 失眠, 睡眠呼吸暂停, 周期性肢体运动障碍不宁腿综合症和打鼾. 我们有一个专门设计的睡眠测试实验室,在舒适的环境中提供尖端的诊断护理, hotel-like setting for patients' overnight sleep tests. Accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, our sleep center sees more than 2,000 patients a year.

治疗发作性睡病通常需要服用兴奋剂来提高白天的警觉性,并服用抗抑郁药来减少其他症状. 我们还建议患者如何改善他们的睡眠习惯,消除或尽量减少可能导致他们病情的因素.

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迹象 & 症状

嗜睡症的标志性症状是白天过度嗜睡(EDS)。, 在这种情况下,一个人在想醒的时候睡着了. EDS可能包括有或无预警的白天睡眠发作, 在人清醒状态之间持续的困倦和短暂的睡眠.

Other 症状 may include:

  • 猝倒. 大多数嗜睡症患者都会经历某种程度的猝倒, 这被定义为突然失去随意肌肉控制. 发作时可能只会有轻微的无力感和肌肉无力感,比如面部肌肉松弛, 点头头, 弯曲的膝盖, 手臂失去力量,言语混乱——或者也可能导致全身立即崩溃. These attacks are usually triggered by intense emotions, such as laughter, 惊喜, 愤怒, stress and fear, and can last anywhere from a few seconds to thirty minutes.
  • 睡眠瘫痪症. For a brief period when falling asleep or waking up, a person with narcolepsy may be unable to talk or move.
  • Hypnagogic hallucinations. These are defined as vivid, 现实的,典型的,可怕的梦发生在一个人入睡的时候.
  • Automatic behavior. This occurs when familiar or routine tasks, such as making coffee in the morning, getting the paper and taking a shower, are performed without full memory or awareness of them.
  • Fragmented nighttime sleep. In addition to having trouble with sleep during the day, people with narcolepsy also tend to sleep poorly at night, 经常醒来.


To diagnose narcolepsy, 你的十大赌博平台排行榜会给你做身体检查,询问你的病史和症状. 此外,还有一些测试可以帮助诊断嗜睡症:

  • Polysomnogram. These tests, performed in an overnight sleep laboratory,测量脑电波和身体运动,以及你的神经和肌肉功能.
  • Multiple sleep latency test (MSLT). 这个测试测量你入睡和进入深度睡眠所需的时间,同时在一段时间内小睡几次.
  • Genetic blood tests. 这些测试检查的是在有嗜睡症遗传倾向的人身上经常发现的特定抗原.


治疗发作性睡病通常需要药物来提高白天的警觉性,减少发作和其他症状. 兴奋剂 are usually prescribed to improve alertness. 抗抑郁药以及一种叫做γ -羟基丁酸酯的新药, 或Xyrem, may be used to control cataplexy, hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis.


Common stimulants include the following:

  • Dextroamphetamine sulfate, or Dexedrine
  • Methylphenidate hydrochloride, or Ritalin
  • Pemoline, or Cylert
  • Modafinil, or Provigil

当你服用这些药物时,你可能会遇到一些常见的兴奋剂副作用. 包括头痛、易怒、紧张、失眠、心律不齐和情绪变化.


三环抗抑郁药和血清素再摄取抑制剂, which go by the brand names Vivactil and Tofranil, are typically used to control cataplexy, sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations.

Side effects of antidepressants vary, but you may experience drowsiness, sexual dysfunction and lowered blood pressure. Although uncommon, serotin reuptake inhibitors may cause overexcitement, 焦虑, 失眠, nausea and sexual dysfunction.

Other treatments

Medication is just one aspect of treatment for narcolepsy. There are other simple things you can do to improve your sleep habits,包括:

  • 每天小睡几次或一次,以控制困倦和睡眠发作.
  • 养成在同一时间睡觉和起床的习惯.
  • Use your bed for sleep and sex only.
  • 下午晚些时候或晚上不要摄入咖啡因、尼古丁或酒精.
  • Exercise regularly, but at least three hours before bedtime.
  • 尽量避免可能引发中风发作的激动或紧张的情况.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

Recommended reading

Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Find tips on improving your sleep hygiene such as, 尽可能多地睡觉,让你在第二天感到精神焕发、身体健康, 和更多的.

Melatonin and Sleeping Pills

Melatonin is a hormone naturally found in the brain. 在没有光线的情况下,松果体分泌褪黑激素,这可能会让你昏昏欲睡. 了解更多 here.

Overnight Sleep Study

At the UCSF Sleep Disorders Center, 我们用来诊断睡眠障碍的方法之一是夜间睡眠研究. 了解更多 here.


这个测试旨在帮助你识别潜在的睡眠问题. Check the 症状 here that describe how you sleep.


An estimated 20 percent of the population snores. 打鼾是气道狭窄或封闭的一种症状,可能由多种原因引起. 了解更多 here.

Tips for a Better Night's Sleep


Where to get care (1)

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    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class

    这个为期八周的课程教授正念练习,可以减轻压力,改善你的整体健康, such as meditation and body awareness.

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