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旋转器 袖口 眼泪


旋转器 cuff tears are a common injury in people over the age of 40. 肩袖是围绕肱骨顶部(上臂骨)并将其固定在肩关节内的一组肌肉和肌腱. 撕裂可能是由于对该区域的一次创伤性打击造成的,也可能是由于手臂重复的头顶运动而逐渐形成的, such as tennis and swimming. 受伤更有可能发生在一个人的主要手臂——右撇子的右肩和左撇子的左肩. 当手臂被抬离身体时,部分撕裂可能会引起疼痛(弧形疼痛综合征)。, and a complete tear can make it difficult to raise the arm at all.

Our approach to rotator cuff tears

加州大学旧金山分校致力于帮助肩袖撕裂患者恢复肩功能并恢复他们喜欢的活动. Our team includes orthopedic surgeons, primary care sports medicine doctors, physical therapists and athletic trainers, 所有这些人合作,为每个病人的需要和目标量身定制治疗计划. Keeping our team on the forefront of new therapeutic options, 加州大学旧金山分校在肩袖研究方面的全国公认的专家领导了许多研究,并积极研究干细胞在肩袖肌肉再生中的作用.

肩袖撕裂的治疗取决于损伤的原因和严重程度. 我们通常从休息、抗炎药物和物理治疗相结合的计划开始. 有些病人通过注射类固醇来缓解炎症.

有些撕裂需要手术修复,我们使用微创技术. For patients with serious damage or degenerative conditions, 我们可以通过手术用金属和塑料植入物替换部分肩关节(反向肩关节置换术)。.

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迹象 & 症状

People with rotator cuff tears may experience:

  • 复发性或持续性疼痛,尤其当手臂举过头顶时
  • 夜间疼痛使患病一侧难以入睡
  • Muscle weakness, especially when trying to lift the arm


To diagnose this injury, a doctor takes the patient's medical history, performs a physical exam and evaluates shoulder X-rays. 核磁共振成像通常用于确定损伤的程度,并在必要时制定手术计划.


For most patients, the initial treatment involves:

  • 休息. 如果撕裂部分是由于过度使用造成的,让肩膀休息可能会有所帮助.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen, 是否通过减少肌腱撕裂周围的炎症来缓解不适.
  • Strengthening and stretching exercises. 物理治疗的重点是加强肩袖周围的肌肉. A program can be done at UCSF or at a facility close to home.
  • Corticosteroid injections. Corticosteroids can reduce pain by decreasing inflammation.


对于非手术治疗效果不明显的患者,手术是一种选择. 它也可能是在突发单一事件中发生损伤的患者的最佳首选, such as a fall or car accident.

在UCSF骨科研究所,大部分的肩袖修复是通过关节镜进行的. (An arthroscope is an endoscope for use in joints.手术包括通过肩膀周围的几个小切口插入细长的器械和一个微型摄像机. 然后使用“骨锚”将肩袖重新固定在它所属的位置. 锚由金属、塑料或缝合线制成,在组织愈合时将肩袖固定在适当的位置. 病人在全身麻醉下(完全睡眠),并给予神经阻滞(一种阻断该区域疼痛信号的注射)。, which lessens post-op pain. The surgery typically takes 60 to 90 minutes.

Sometimes a torn rotator cuff cannot be repaired, yet these patients still have several options, such as shoulder replacement surgery. 加州大学旧金山分校在提高肩部手术技术和反向肩关节置换术的研究方面处于全国领先地位, 对于肩关节炎和肩袖撕裂的患者,哪一种可能是最好的选择.


复苏 from rotator cuff repair is a relatively slow process. 患者通常需要用绷带吊带六周,让肌腱愈合并重新附着. During that time, patients shouldn't drive, 他们的物理治疗方案仅限于被动的活动范围练习, 在保护修复的同时使关节不会变得僵硬.

在第六周, the sling is removed, 病人开始做一些没有重量的活动范围练习. They can also begin jogging and doing other lower body exercises. 第12周, physical therapy starts to focus on strengthening moves, with the program completed around the fourth month post-op. 术后5 - 6个月可以完全恢复活动, with the repair considered totally healed at six months.

Frequently asked questions

  • When can I shower after surgery?

    在你第一次做术后检查之前,你需要保持切口清洁和干燥, one to two weeks after surgery. 当时, you'll likely be cleared to shower, 但在手术后三到四周,不要将手术部位浸入浴缸或游泳池.

  • When can I drive after rotator cuff surgery?

    You'll be in a sling and unable to drive for six weeks. 你可以恢复驾驶一旦你脱离吊索和有适当的控制这样做的安全.

  • When can I return to recreational activities?


  • When can I return to work?

    大多数人可以在手术后两周回到学校或办公室工作. If you have a physically demanding job, 你需要更多的时间来完全康复和检查才能回来.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

Recommended reading

Post-Shoulder Replacement 手术 Exercises

Following shoulder replacement surgery, 做一些锻炼来增强肩膀和手臂的力量是很重要的.

Recovering from Shoulder Replacement 手术

通常, you will stay in the hospital for two to three days, 但这取决于每个人以及他或她进步的速度. 点击这里了解更多.

Where to get care (2)


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