
充血性心力衰竭(CHF) occurs when the heart does not pump efficiently and does not deliver enough oxygen to meet your body's needs. Many diseases lead to CHF, such as high blood pressure and diseases of the heart and kidney.

Treatment for CHF aims to slow or stop its progression and relieve symptoms. 饮食可以在支持这种治疗中发挥作用.

How can dietary changes help to treat congestive heart failure?

The goal of making changes in your diet is to reduce the amount of work your heart needs to do. 如果你吃太多盐或喝太多液体, 你体内的水分含量会增加, 让你的心脏工作得更辛苦. 这会加重你的CHF. The following diet tips can help decrease your heart's workload, relieving some of your symptoms.